Essentials has many great ways of importing your inventory with only a few clicks. One of the ways is auto-forwarding. With this feature, your email(s) will be redirected to Essentials, where we will process all of the necessary information and add it to your inventory for you. Essentials will only redirect emails related to your reselling businesses such as Supreme, Shopify, Footsites, YeezySupply, Finishline & JDSports, Walmart, Target, etc. This feature is great to use if you are using a catchall email; however, it is also nice to have when using just your personal email too. No matter the number of items you buy, Essentials will help organize and keep track of those items for you.
Getting Started:
First, you will navigate to the top of Essentials and click on Inventory. You will click on the import button here.
This will open the Manage & Import Your Products section. Select the button that is labeled Configure Automatic Importing Methods. Here you will have the option of importing via Email Forwarding. Go ahead and click on that.
Once you have selected Email Forwarding, you will be prompted with an email address and an auto-forward confirmation webhook. You will need to create a webhook in your discord server and place that link in the field located under the email. Both of these are needed to confirm and properly set up email forwarding.
Once you have added the forwarding email address to your email(s) or catchall email, you are all good to go. You will now begin adding items without needing to enter anything by hand, all done automatically.
If you need help making a catchall email, click here.
If you need help setting up a webhook in discord, click here.
If you wish to add older items, you can simply select the ones you wish to add via your email account and forward them through the email that is labeled in your personal essentials program.
How to set up forwarding in Gmail:
First, you will need to open your Gmail account. In the top right corner, you will see a COG gear to open the settings. Click on the COG gear and navigate to the See All Settings.
Once you are on the settings page, you can head over to the tab that is labeled, Forwarding and POP/IMAP. This is where you will enter the email that is shown in yours. Click on Add a forwarding address and enter the one shown in Essentials and hit Next.
A window will pop up if entered correctly stating that you would like to confirm the email.
Here is where the webhook comes into play. You will need to verify a code and since you DO NOT have access to the email in your Essentials, the code will be sent to the discord webhook that you entered in Essentials. Once the webhook is properly entered in Essentials, you can click Proceed. You should then get a message in the webhook discord server prompting you to Click Here To Confirm Email.
If you have not received a message in your discord, you need to make sure the webhook is properly set up and try again. After clicking and confirming, you will be all set to begin forwarding your Gmail to Essentials.
Note - Be sure to go back into your Gmail settings and verify the radio button is selected and you save the changes. Without this, the automatic forwarding will not work.
How to set up forwarding in Outlook:
First, you will need to open your Outlook account. In the top right corner, you will see a COG gear to open the settings. Click on the COG gear and navigate to the View all Outlook settings.
Once you are on the Settings page, you can head over to the tab that is labeled, Forwarding. This is where you will enter the email that is shown in yours. Click on Enable forwarding and enter the one shown in Essentials and hit Save.
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