To create a Multi-SKU monitoring release, select the '+' on the bottom left of Kodai. Input a release name and select a Footsite to monitor.
Select "Multi-SKU" for the monitor type, and a new option to configure Multi-SKUs will be displayed.
You will now be able to configure your Multi-SKU monitoring settings.
You can list as many product SKUs to monitor as you want. Once a product SKU is picked up, all of your tasks in this release will attempt to checkout it out!
The option to allow a separate monitoring delay, a separate set of proxies for monitoring and a webhook notification for when a product is picked up can all be configured in the Multi-SKU monitoring settings.
You can even go a step further and fine-tune your monitoring setup to ensure you only get the exact products and sizes you want by utilizing various different "optional conditions" for each product SKU!
The optional conditions Kodai currently supports are:
- PMIN:<whole number> - the minimum price the product has to be.
- PMAX:<whole number> - the maximum price the product can be.
- SZ:<size range> - the sizes that should be picked up for that product. For instance, if you only put `4,4.5,5`, then only those sizes will pick up (which means you can run "Random" sizing and it'll only pick between those three sizes for that product SKU!). If the product loads but the sizes you configured didn't then the product won't pick up and your release will continue waiting for another product to pickup.
Below is an example of the format for optional conditions:
Below the SKU list, you will see an option to either pick up product when it was Loaded or Checked Out.
Loaded - The product has been loaded on the site, but it is not certain that there is actually stock live behind the product page and Kodai will begin trying to cart and checkout anyway.
Checked Out - The product has loaded on the site and we have collect enough data to indicate checkouts are happening to a specific SKU you were running and Kodai will begin trying to cart and checkout.
Kodai will be able to automatically stop the release after pick up depending on the given options listed below:
Unchecked Automatic Reset - The carting of the product will not automatically stop, you will have to manually stop the release after the product has been picked up.
Been Unloaded - The carting of the product will stop automatically once the product has been pulled from the website. You are able to set a time (minutes) for how long you want the product to continue carting past the pull time.
Less Than - The carting of the product will stop automatically when checkout data indicates a low number of checkouts in a given period of time. (The checkout data used includes checkouts by various consumers, not just your own.)
Been Picked Up - Once the product has been picked up, it will run for a specific amount of time then stop the release regardless of anything else.
Note: When a "STOP" trigger is met, the release goes back to monitoring all SKUs in the list as normal so it can pick up/stop other SKUs in the list or the same SKU if it restocks/triggers again.
Close out of the module by clicking the 'X' on the top right. Configure the remainder of your release by selecting proxies, adding third party captcha solving settings and creating tasks. Save your changes and then you're ready to start your release using Multi-SKU monitoring!
Example of the webhook when set up is done correctly with pick up and automatic stop is set (when checking the option to send webhooks for multi-sku start/stop, you must put a webhook in the field. It will not use the global webhook for this, it will not send webhooks if you dont provide a link):
Thanks Kodai Team!
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