Footsites Gift Card Support


With Kodai, you can use gift cards to checkout products on Footsites! The benefit to this feature is to significantly decrease the amount of order cancellations ("PVs") you may receive when using a credit card to complete the order with.

Additionally, Kodai will fallback and finish the order with the profile that is attached to the task if for any reason the gift card(s) fail to checkout (ran out of gift cards, site is taking too long to respond, etc).

Getting Started
Head over to the settings page within your application (by pressing the gear icon on the bottom left of the program). At the bottom right of the settings page, you will see the "Footsites Settings" container, clicking on "CLICK TO MANAGE YOUR GIFT CARDS" will take you to the page where you will be able to manage all of your gift cards!



There are two different ways/formats to input gift cards:

  • code:pin
  • code:pin - $10.00

The "$10.00" value should be replaced with the current balance of that gift card.

When adding gift cards, it is highly recommended to include the current balance of the gift card, as it allows Kodai to better create combinations of gift cards to use. You can use a tool like Kodai Essentials to quickly mass check your balances and then copy and paste them into Kodai!

When a gift card balance changes, it will automatically be updated and saved in the group. If a gift card gets completely used up, it will automatically be removed from the group. You can also add or adjust your gift cards while your release is running and Kodai will automatically adjust!


Using Essentials to check the current balance of your gift cards

If you have Essentials, you can visit the Toolbox tab at the top of the application. Click on "Gift Card Balance Checker", then click on the "US Footsites" option in the middle of the screen. You will then be asked to input the gift cards you wish to check the balance of. You can individually input each gift card or mass input them using the following format: 

  • number:pin


After clicking continue, a list of each gift card and its current balance will be shown to you. You can then click the "Copy All & Balance" button to copy it all to your clipboard.

Once copied, head back over to Kodai and paste the content you copied into your clipboard into the gift cards field. You can then save the gift cards into a group and start using them in your release(s)!

Head over to your release and you'll want to click on "Configure Gift Cards".


From the dropdown, you can choose the desired group you wish to use for this release. You can also configure the following settings:

  • "Include gift cards used in success webhooks" - This will add a new field to Discord success webhooks that will say if the order was paid using only gift cardsa split of gift cards and credit card, or only credit card.
  • "Have tasks wait if no gift cards are currently available." - This will make tasks using gift cards to pay wait if there are no gift cards available but some are pending (another task is currently using the gift card). If a task is waiting and the pending cards all get used up, it will then fallback to using a credit card to complete the payment. If you have this setting disabled and all gift cards are currently being consumed when a task is requesting one, that task will instantly fallback to using a credit card to complete the order.

Save your changes after you have configured all your gift card settings. You are now ready to start your release and have your tasks check out with gift cards!

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