General Nike Information


Release Types

  • DAN - draw with a 10 to 15 minute entry period.
  • LEO - draw with a 2 minute entry period.
  • FLOW - first come first serve.


  • ISPs > Residential proxies.
  • It is recommended to use the same proxy for all activity on your Nike account.


  • Each task uses the account that matches the profile email address (case sensitive), so make sure the emails match. If you have "Set Profile Details" enabled, Kodai will add the profile details to your Nike account during preparation. Otherwise, it'll just use the already saved/default account information when entering the draw.
  • It is recommended that you use different and distinct information for each of your profiles. Quality over quantity. We suggest using one card per account and having 10-15 accounts per address. Even if the address is jigged to appear different, it is still advisable to stick to this guideline. Although some people have reported success with having up to 30 accounts per address.
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