- Do not use the same accounts for LEO/DAN releases for FLOW, as it can effect your win rate.
- Catchall emails are not recommended. Real emails and handmade accounts are best.
- IMAP configuration is supported in the event Nike requires 2FA. This is used to retrieve login verification codes if Nike prompts it.
- IMPORTANT! Kodai automatically assigns each profile with the corresponding account by matching email addresses. If no account is found for a certain profile, the task will be stopped with the error 'No Account Found'. If multiple profiles match the same account, only the first task will continue and the rest will be stopped with the error of 'Account Already Used'.
- Accounts will use a random proxy from the proxy list provided by default. If the proxy previously used for an account is still in the proxy list, it will be reused; otherwise, the account will use a random proxy.
- Once you have created your task group, click the Configure Accounts button and input your list.
- There are several ways you can format your Nike account list depending on your desired setup.
- email:password will use your Nike account with a random proxy from your proxies list.
- email:password:proxy will use your Nike account with a specified proxy.
- email:password:CVV:xxx will use your CVV to submit your entry. Only use this feature if your account already has a default address and card set.
- email:password:master@gmail.com:password:imap.gmail.com:993 will connect to your email inbox via IMAP to retrieve the 2FA code.
- IMPORTANT! If your accounts already have addresses added to them, you can simply include the card CVV to each account line and completely skip the need to import profiles into Kodai (use 'N/A' for the profile when creating tasks)!
- The screenshot below provides examples on how to incorporate the options mentioned above.
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